Our ‘secret garden’ was a small swath of magical wildness near my house growing up, where my best friend and I would meet and instantly be transported into another dimension. It was a place surrounded by verdant greens - trees and leaves and grass. Browns - mud, soil, Earth. Oranges, pinks, blues, reds and yellows - wildflowers, insects and animals. Warmed by sunlight that dappled through the leaves. Protected by the rain. Shelter from the rest of the world. The place I could be my truest self - dreamy, imaginative and wild…free.

Like most people I know, I lost that girl somewhere along the way. When I found her once again, it was a long and winding journey back… a path that I’m still on. I started to come back into my body after years and years of disconnection through the healing art of yoga. I devoured any information I could find on the mind-body connection and how food impacts our overall well-being in a profound way. I wanted to become the healthiest, most vibrant human I could be. This search led me to yoga teacher trainings and eventually, herbal medicine.

I truly believe that plant medicine is our birthright. It belongs to the people. Everyone. Our ancestors knew how the plants that flourished around them could protect, heal and strengthen. Most of us have lost that knowledge and ability to care for and heal ourselves. It’s a radical notion. But it’s rising up into the collective consciousness.. I feel it. And you probably do too. That’s why I’m here and why I do what I do… to share what I see, share what I know, share what I grow… so that we can learn to take care of ourselves, take care of each other. and take care of the Earth.